Ministry of the Word for Sunday, June 11, 2017
Trust and Love in a Digital World - Part 1
The Christian and Technology
Pastor’s Class: Pastor Earl Miles
What Shall I Do? - Part 1
Legalism and the Christian Life
Luke 10:25-37
Worship Service: Pastor Earl Miles
Monthly Prayer Meeting
Our monthly prayer meeting is this Thursday night at 7:00 PM here at our facility. If you can't get here until 7:30 or so, come and join us anyway. We usually have some worship in song and then begin praying somewhere around 7:30. No one is required to pray out loud. So you may come and pray silently if you like. Let's seek the Lord together. He loves to answer the prayers of His people!
New Members' Brunch
If you have an interest in becoming a formal member of Coast, we would like you to join the Rupprechts and the Miles for brunch on Saturday, June 17 at 10:00 AM at the Miles' house. Breakfast will be provided. It will be a great time of fellowship and an opportunity to discuss membership in our body. All are welcome who have any interest. Please contact Earl or Dan to let them know of your interest and if you have any questions.
Elder and Deacon Nominations
You may submit your nominations of men to join our present elders and deacons in service to our body at any time. Please read the descriptions of the qualifications and ministry of the elder and deacon (on our website under RESOURCES or as a handout) and prayerfully consider if you would like to nominate someone to serve in one of these ways. You can submit the nomination through this page (see below), through email, through the response page in the bulletin (fill it out and put it in the offering basket), by phone, or in person (to me or Dan). Dan and I will talk and pray over the nominations and then move forward to talk with the men nominated as seems good. Thank you for your prayerfully consideration of this important matter!
Church Covenant
If you are a member of Coast but have not signed the new Church Covenant, you can do that at any time and we would encourage you to do so. You will find copies of the Church Covenant on the table by the front doors. If you any questions about signing the Church Covenant, please let Earl or Dan know.
Men's Hiking Event
There will be a men's hike for all those interested on June 10. Please contact Dan for details!
Finances and Facility Sharing Search
Thank you to all who have been giving generously and faithfully over the years as well as those who may have begun to give more recently in light of our financial needs! One church visited our facility this week and one other expressed an interest in doing so. Please continue to pray for God's provision!
Leadership Meeting
Our monthly Coast Leadership Meeting (including the elders, deacons, finance team, missions team, and young adult ministry leaders) will be on Saturday, June 17 at 6:00 AM. Breakfast will be provided. Let Dan or me know if you have any items for our agenda this month.
Online Giving
You can now give online if you like. Just go to 'Giving' under 'More.' You can give online by E-Check or Debit card. Sorry, no credit cards. Thank you to Mark Johnson and Jackson Tran for their work on this!
Please let us know if you have any questions or input: